October 05, 2006

Director Atom Egoyan Retreats to U of T Academia Owing Canadians $48 Million

Toronto, Canada. After a series of four filmmaking disappointments in succession resulting in a total expense of over $48 million in un-repaid Canadian feature film investment, Atom Egoyan has agreed to teach a course in media at the University of Toronto for a three year term.

Egoyan will teach an interdisciplinary undergraduate course called Transgressions: An Approach to Interdisciplinary Practice and will meet and advise undergraduate and graduate students in addition to sharing his expertise and experiences through a series of annual public lectures.

Reached for comment was an anonymous Member of Parliament requesting confidentiality who remarked: “The big question is, what is wrong with this picture? Is this who Canadian students should be learning from? A master at manipulating government funding systems while not delivering cultural product Canadians value and, in fact, view as laughable? Mr. Egoyan and Mr. (Robert) Lantos will be under investigation for their activities in a public inquiry. They should prepare their case for promoting culture with taxpayer funded feature films shooting overseas about other cultures and even films set in the United States in another era.”

Reference for the figures quoted in this article are drawn from www.boxofficemojo.com. Where the Truth Lies was made on a $25 million dollar budget and grossing $872,142 in North American box office and proceeded by Ararat with a $15 million dollar budget and a combined global gross of $2,743,336 and by Felicia’s Journey starring Bob Hoskins with a domestic total gross of $824,295, Atom Egoyan has secured a position teaching a course at the University of Toronto.
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